
Welcome to Simple Free Life! You will find a wide range of topics covered on this site ranging from Trucking life, The Great Outdoors, Survival tool reviews, Life in General and just plain interesting stuff (to me at least) as I truck along this good ol’e USA!

Hauling Split Suicide Steel coils- Nathan Gassman SimpleFreeLife

Thanks for stopping by!


Nathan Gassman: Eagle


A homepage section

Stay tuned for more great info. to come!

Below are some scenes as I cross this great U.S.A!

Nathan Gassman crosses bridges while driving on SimpleFreeLife
Crossing bridges somewhere midwest maybe. Going to start tracking locations Nathan Gassman SimpleFreeLife


Nathan Gassman passing three crosses while driving on SimpleFreeLife
Passing three crosses and Thanking the Lord while driving at night.  May start a collection of cross scenes across USA – Nathan Gassman SimpleFreeLife




Climbing Rocky Mountains on a  Truck break – Nathan Gassman SimpleFreeLife

I am a Flatbed trucker who is an Artist at heart and from the West. TRULY BLESSED to find the Simple Free Life!

I come up with ways to help fellow truckers to “Keep on Trucking” as we LOVE to do…even when the Dollar buys less and less.

Why? Sometimes we feel we are being FORCED to quit trucking and get a so called BETTER indoor/office/factory JOB that supposedly pays better just to make payroll…and give up on the trucking dream? No Thanks!

But I locate and share ways to keep cashflow going AND the wheels rolling.

HOME TIME: I live in the rolling hills of Tennessee USA with my wife and Blessed to have family, children and grandchildren around us close.


Nate’s (Poppy) 50th Birthday with Janie (Nana) and Grandboys – Nathan Gassman SimpleFreeLife
Nate’s 33rd Birthday at Beach. with our children – Nathan Gassman SimpleFreeLife



Never Give up on your Dreams!

Life is crowed enough as it is so time to de-clutter and SLOW DOWN in this busy day and age – Nathan Gassman SimpleFreeLife


Nathan Gassman : Eagle


Hello world!

Welcome to to my site. I have a lot of neat things that will be happening here as I Journey across this Great United States of America.  A lot of great helpful tips and tricks to share along the way.  So hold on and enjoy the ride! Nathan Gassman: Eagle


Folks, we truckers are hard to reach out on the road sometimes. Flatbedders don’t usually have computers in front of us or cannot be on our phones (dangerous while driving).  So best way to reach me is nathan@simplefreelife.com and will check from time to time.